Taste and See

            Love is a palpable, tangible reality. Love can be consumed, with our physical bodies, our flesh and blood, our whole being. It exists between old friends, family members, a married couple, or our Christian family.  It exists in the generosity to the poor man on the side of the road. It exists in feeding a hungry child, in the care of an elderly parent, or the fervent prayer for the sinner. Love can be consumed for our life, our faith, our health and our souls.
            Love is not just a feeling or an act of compassion. It is not altruism, nor any other philosophy or mental construct. Love is a person. He came in the flesh. He gave that flesh for the life of the world. His blood was poured out on the soil of the earth, the dust from which we were made and to which we will return.
            That Love is inseparable from the physical reality of this world, to which our own flesh and blood belong. We are no dualists or Gnostics, claiming that our souls or minds are better than our bodies, because that Love is the Resurrection and the Life. He is our true food, our true drink. And now, he still gives that flesh for the life of the world – the Most Holy Eucharist. We can consume him, his body, blood, soul and divinity. If we let him, he will come in and sup with us, and we with him.

            “I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, O Lord, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

            Can we ask for anything more than you, Jesus?

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